we all have them. giants in our lives. those things that are like mountains and prevent us from being who God intended us to be when we surrender to Him. but for some reason, we just can't face those giants. we pretend they are not there, we take detours when we see them coming, or we feign ignorance when someone mentions them - but no matter how we try, they will always be there and you will always be in their shadow until you face them. head on. David did that. he faced a huge giant - Goliath. David only had a slingshot, a few pebbles and FAITH. Goliath had the armour and the whole army behind him! David had ridicule and laughter - no one thought he could do anything but fail. yet he did not fail. he triumphed over the giant at that stage. At a later stage in his life, he would have to face more giants. adultery and murder as well as disobedience to God. he did not fare so good with these gi...