Below teaching is NOT an exhaustive study on this topic. Biblical Love: When does Biblical Love Overlook or confront a sin in another person’s life? To overlook an offense/sin means not to focus on the wrongs done against oneself, refusing to retaliate or seek revenge, and letting affronts go. It is an act of forgiveness and wisdom. One meaningful way to show love to fellow believers is by choosing to not constantly confront them on the slightest offenses and infractions, for example a harsh word spoken, a child’s room not being tidy or not being invited to a social gathering. The book of Proverbs highlights this concept in Proverbs 19:11, stating, “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense”. 1 Peter 4:8 states that “Love covers a multitude of sins. Some offenses, though, must be confronted. Here are some steps to consider when deciding whether to confront or overlook an offense: 1. Examine Yourself: ...